The Euro area now and forecasts

Subject Descriptor Units 2010 2011 2012 2013 2017
GDP, constant prices Percent change 1.868 1.441 -0.317 0.895 1.666
GDP, current prices U.S. dollars, Billions 12,155.54 13,115.13 12,586.08 12,889.21 14,358.38
GDP, deflator Index, 2000=100 120.427 122.15 124.396 126.188 134.484
Output gap Percent of potential GDP -2.361 -1.447 -2.324 -2.206 -0.262
GDP based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) valuation of country GDP Current international dollar, Billions 10,845.70 11,236.78 11,344.64 11,619.09 13,215.41
GDP based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita GDP Current international dollarm units 32,726.92 33,785.97 34,022.67 34,765.87 39,196.87
GDP based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of world total Percent 14.538 14.242 13.727 13.317 11.896
Investment Percent of GDP 19.33 19.641 19.532 19.476 19.924
Gross national savings Percent of GDP 19.803 20.017 20.303 20.462 21.05
Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change 1.624 2.718 2.019 1.648 1.806
Three-month London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) Percent 0.811 1.391 0.764 0.795 n/a
Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change 9.309 3.789 -0.478 2.189 4.283
Volume of imports of goods Percent change 10.901 4.783 -0.847 2.181 4.231
Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change 11.101 6.295 1.382 3.191 4.434
Volume of exports of goods Percent change 12.733 6.945 1.139 3.107 4.392
Terms of trade of goods and services Percent change -2.107 -2.509 -1.259 -0.106 -0.128
Terms of trade of goods Percent change -2.264 -2.476 -0.559 -0.11 -0.175
Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force 10.117 10.133 10.87 10.819 9.048
Employment Index, 2000=100 106.54 106.583 105.701 105.933 n/a
General government revenue Percent of GDP 44.693 45.233 45.869 45.965 45.934
General government total expenditure Percent of GDP 50.943 49.378 49.103 48.657 47.052
General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP -6.25 -4.146 -3.234 -2.692 -1.119
General government net debt Percent of GDP 65.794 68.385 70.297 71.47 69.514
General government gross debt Percent of GDP 85.657 88.101 89.964 90.992 86.891
Current account balance Percent of GDP 0.308 0.312 0.745 0.969 1.117
Imports of goods and services U.S. dollars, Billions -4,769.19 -5,526.37 -5,307.52 -5,447.27 -6,414.46
Exports of goods and services U.S. dollars, Billions 4,942.11 5,717.04 5,560.16 5,754.75 6,801.95

International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2012


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